Economics & Management
Economics & Management at Oxford University is the most competitive course to apply for. In 2018, the applicant : place ratio was 15.1 : 1. [INSERT GRAPH]
The E&M course looks and sound very exciting, but the question I always ask prospective applicants when they come to me expressing a desire to study it is quite simple: “So, what IS Management?”. This clearly important question throws 80% of them into a tailspin, often conflating Management with a more nebulous description of ‘Business’, with very few understanding that Management is a discipline in its own right.
This page offers some helpful areas for prospective applicants to explore, resources and articles to reflect on to both be able to articulate what Management is, and identify, and thus be able to express some interest in, some key issues in this field.
The E&M course is taught in combination with Said Business School, and the Economics Faculty working together.
You can visit the Said Business School website here; and the Economics Faculty website here to get a broader sense of what they offer.
Harvard Business Review
What is Management?
Here is the official University of Oxford video introducing E&M. It offers a good initial overview:
It explains that Management is not the same as Business Studies; and highlights other key buzzwords as ‘strategy’, ‘operations management’, ‘financial management’.
Management is a discipline in and of itself. A definition can be found here.
http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/management-theory.html “
A collection of ideas which set forth general rules on how to manage a business or organization. Management theory addresses how managers and supervisors relate to their organizations in the knowledge of its goals, the implementation of effective means to get the goals accomplished and how to motivate employees to perform to the highest standard.”
Strategic management
Organisational behaviour
Technology and Operations Management
Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Management: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions) Paperback – 24 Oct 2013
by John Hendry