The 3-2-1 Model
Twitter is a superb resource to explore exponential curiosity and uncover all sorts of gems that would otherwise never cross your path. Rather than scouring the Internet for good content, it is much easier and more time-efficient to follow people (academics, journalists, institutions) whose job it is to report on interesting things happening in their respective fields. Our advice is to follow the 3-2-1 Model:
Follow some of the Twitter accounts mentioned below
Commit to checking Twitter three times a day
Commit to ‘Liking’ (favouriting) two tweets a day
Commit to reading/watching/listening to one of those tweets a day: (Between lessons, on the bus home, before bedtime!).
That’s 300+ (take the weekends off!) moments of exponential curiosity within the year… and who knows where that journey down the rabbit hole will take you!
Highly informative and interesting twitter accounts to follow for those interested in Economics and current affairs.
Exponential Curiosity
Fascinating twitter accounts that give you a daily dose of exponential curiosity!