Game Theory: An introductory course

Game Theory IIntroduction: What is Game Theory?

Game Theory I

Introduction: What is Game Theory?

Game Theory IITechnical concepts of Game Theory. Learn the language before you learn the discipline.

Game Theory II

Technical concepts of Game Theory. Learn the language before you learn the discipline.

Game Theory IIIDifferent types of games e.g. Sequential games and how to solve them using backward induction.

Game Theory III

Different types of games e.g. Sequential games and how to solve them using backward induction.

Game Theory IVHow to solve simultaneous games: Pure Strategies

Game Theory IV

How to solve simultaneous games: Pure Strategies

Game Theory VHow to solve simultaneous games: Mixed Strategies

Game Theory V

How to solve simultaneous games: Mixed Strategies

Advanced workshop: Oligopolies: Bertrand vs Cournot competition

Advanced workshop: Oligopolies:

Bertrand vs Cournot competition